Source code for

"""Support for ``py`` schemes."""
from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, cast

import attr
import tomlkit
from furl import furl

from nitpick import PROJECT_NAME, compat
from nitpick.constants import DOT
from import Scheme
from import StyleFetcher

    from pathlib import Path

[docs]@lru_cache() def builtin_resources_root() -> Path: """Built-in resources root.""" return compat.files("nitpick.resources")
[docs]@lru_cache() def repo_root() -> Path: """Repository root, 3 levels up from the resources root.""" return builtin_resources_root().parent.parent.parent
[docs]def builtin_styles() -> Iterable[Path]: """List the built-in styles.""" yield from builtin_resources_root().glob("**/*.toml")
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class PythonPackageURL: """Represent a resource file in installed Python package.""" import_path: str resource_name: str
[docs] @classmethod def from_furl(cls, url: furl) -> PythonPackageURL: """Create an instance from a parsed URL in any accepted format. See the code for ``test_parsing_python_package_urls()`` for more examples. """ package_name = resource_path = url.path.segments if resource_path and not resource_path[-1]: # strip trailing slash *resource_path, _ = resource_path *resource_path, resource_name = resource_path return cls(import_path=DOT.join([package_name, *resource_path]), resource_name=resource_name)
@property def content_path(self) -> Path: """Raw path of resource file.""" return compat.files(self.import_path) / self.resource_name
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class PythonPackageFetcher(StyleFetcher): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Fetch a style from an installed Python package. URL schemes: - ``py://import/path/of/style/file/<style_file_name>`` - ``pypackage://import/path/of/style/file/<style_file_name>`` E.g. ``py://some_package/path/nitpick.toml``. """ protocols: tuple[str, ...] = (Scheme.PY, Scheme.PYPACKAGE) # type: ignore[assignment] def _normalize_scheme(self, scheme: str) -> str: # noqa: ARG002 # Always use the shorter py:// scheme name in the canonical URL. return cast(str, Scheme.PY)
[docs] def fetch(self, url: furl) -> str: """Fetch the style from a Python package.""" package_url = PythonPackageURL.from_furl(url) return package_url.content_path.read_text(encoding="UTF-8")
[docs]@attr.mutable(kw_only=True) class BuiltinStyle: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """A built-in style file in TOML format.""" py_url: furl py_url_without_ext: furl path_from_repo_root: str path_from_resources_root: str pypackage_url: PythonPackageURL = attr.field(init=False) identify_tag: str = attr.field(init=False) name: str = attr.field(init=False) url: str = attr.field(init=False) files: list[str] = attr.field(init=False)
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, resource_path: Path) -> BuiltinStyle: """Create a built-in style from a resource path.""" without_suffix = resource_path.with_suffix("") src_path = builtin_resources_root().parent.parent package_path = resource_path.relative_to(src_path) from_resources_root = without_suffix.relative_to(builtin_resources_root()) root, *path_remainder = path_remainder_without_suffix = (*path_remainder[:-1],[-1]) bis = BuiltinStyle( py_url=furl(scheme=Scheme.PY, host=root, path=path_remainder), py_url_without_ext=furl(scheme=Scheme.PY, host=root, path=path_remainder_without_suffix), path_from_repo_root=resource_path.relative_to(repo_root()).as_posix(), path_from_resources_root=from_resources_root.as_posix(), ) bis.pypackage_url = PythonPackageURL.from_furl(bis.py_url) bis.identify_tag =[0] toml_dict = tomlkit.loads(bis.pypackage_url.content_path.read_text(encoding="UTF-8")) keys = list(toml_dict.keys()) keys.remove(PROJECT_NAME) bis.files = keys try: # Intentionally break the doc generation when styles don't have [nitpick.meta]name meta = toml_dict["nitpick"]["meta"] = meta["name"] bis.url = meta.get("url") except KeyError as err: msg = f"Style file missing [nitpick.meta] information: {bis}" raise SyntaxError(msg) from err return bis