Source code for

"""Style fetchers with protocol support."""
from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import auto
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Iterator

from requests_cache import CachedSession
from strenum import LowercaseStrEnum

from nitpick.enums import CachingEnum
from import parse_cache_option

    from pathlib import Path

    from furl import furl

    from import StyleFetcher

[docs]class Scheme(LowercaseStrEnum): """URL schemes.""" FILE = auto() HTTP = auto() HTTPS = auto() PY = auto() PYPACKAGE = auto() GH = auto() GITHUB = auto()
[docs]@dataclass() class StyleFetcherManager: """Manager that controls which fetcher to be used given a protocol.""" offline: bool cache_dir: Path cache_option: str session: CachedSession = field(init=False) fetchers: dict[str, StyleFetcher] = field(init=False) schemes: tuple[str] = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self): """Initialize dependant properties.""" caching, expire_after = parse_cache_option(self.cache_option) # honour caching headers on the response when an expiration time has # been set meaning that the server can dictate cache expiration # overriding the local expiration time. This may need to become a # separate configuration option in future. cache_control = caching is CachingEnum.EXPIRES self.session = CachedSession( str(self.cache_dir / "styles"), expire_after=expire_after, cache_control=cache_control ) self.fetchers = fetchers = _get_fetchers(self.session) # used to test if a string URL is relative or not. These strings # *include the colon*. protocols = {prot for fetcher in fetchers.values() for prot in fetcher.protocols} self.schemes = tuple(f"{prot}:" for prot in protocols)
[docs] def normalize_url(self, url: str | furl, base: furl) -> furl: """Normalize a style URL. The URL is made absolute against base, then passed to individual fetchers to produce a canonical version of the URL. """ if isinstance(url, str) and not url.startswith(self.schemes): url = self._fetcher_for(base).preprocess_relative_url(url) absolute = base.copy().join(url) return self._fetcher_for(absolute).normalize(absolute)
[docs] def fetch(self, url: furl) -> str | None: """Determine which fetcher to be used and fetch from it. Returns None when offline is True and the fetcher would otherwise require a connection. """ fetcher = self._fetcher_for(url) if self.offline and fetcher.requires_connection: return None return fetcher.fetch(url)
def _fetcher_for(self, url: furl) -> StyleFetcher: """Determine which fetcher to be used. Try a fetcher by domain first, then by protocol scheme. """ fetcher = self.fetchers.get( if else None if not fetcher: fetcher = self.fetchers.get(url.scheme) if not fetcher: msg = f"URL protocol {url.scheme!r} is not supported" raise RuntimeError(msg) return fetcher
def _get_fetchers(session: CachedSession) -> dict[str, StyleFetcher]: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from import FileFetcher from import GitHubFetcher from import HttpFetcher from import PythonPackageFetcher def _factory(klass: type[StyleFetcher]) -> StyleFetcher: return klass(session) if klass.requires_connection else klass() fetchers = (_factory(FileFetcher), _factory(HttpFetcher), _factory(GitHubFetcher), _factory(PythonPackageFetcher)) return dict(_fetchers_to_pairs(fetchers)) def _fetchers_to_pairs(fetchers: Iterable[StyleFetcher]) -> Iterator[tuple[str, StyleFetcher]]: for fetcher in fetchers: for protocol in fetcher.protocols: yield protocol, fetcher for domain in yield domain, fetcher