Source code for

"""Base class for fetchers that wrap inner fetchers with caching ability."""
from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar

from nitpick.constants import TOML_EXTENSION

    from furl import furl
    from requests_cache import CachedSession

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class StyleFetcher: """Base class of all fetchers, it encapsulates get/fetch from a specific source.""" requires_connection: ClassVar[bool] = False # only set when requires_connection is True session: CachedSession | None = None protocols: tuple[str, ...] = () domains: tuple[str, ...] = () def __post_init__(self): """Validate that session has been passed in for requires_connection == True.""" if self.requires_connection and self.session is None: msg = "session is required" raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def preprocess_relative_url(self, url: str) -> str: # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Preprocess a relative URL. Only called for urls that lack a scheme (at the very least), being resolved against a base URL that matches this specific fetcher. """ return url
def _normalize_url_path(self, url: furl) -> furl: # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Normalize the path component of a URL.""" if not url.path.segments[-1].endswith(TOML_EXTENSION): url = url.copy() url.path.segments[-1] = f"{url.path.segments[-1]}{TOML_EXTENSION}" return url def _normalize_scheme(self, scheme: str) -> str: # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Normalize the scheme component of a URL.""" return scheme
[docs] def normalize(self, url: furl) -> furl: """Normalize a URL. Produces a canonical URL, meant to be used to uniquely identify a style resource. - The base name has .toml appended if not already ending in that extension - Individual fetchers can further normalize the path and scheme. """ new_scheme = self._normalize_scheme(url.scheme) if new_scheme != url.scheme: url = url.copy().set(scheme=new_scheme) return self._normalize_url_path(url)
[docs] def fetch(self, url: furl) -> str: """Fetch a style from a specific fetcher.""" raise NotImplementedError