Source code for nitpick.blender

"""Dictionary blender and configuration file formats.

.. testsetup::

    from nitpick.generic import *
from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import json
import re
import shlex
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, TypeVar, cast

import dictdiffer
import jmespath
import toml
import tomlkit
from attr import define  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from autorepr import autorepr
from flatten_dict import flatten, unflatten
from ruamel.yaml import YAML, RoundTripRepresenter, StringIO
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict
from tomlkit import items

from nitpick.typedefs import ElementData, JsonDict, ListOrCommentedSeq, PathOrStr, YamlObject, YamlValue

    from jmespath.parser import ParsedResult

    from nitpick.config import SpecialConfig

# Generic type for classes that inherit from BaseDoc
TBaseDoc = TypeVar("TBaseDoc", bound="BaseDoc")



#: Special unique separator for :py:meth:`flatten()` and :py:meth:`unflatten()`,
# to avoid collision with existing key values (e.g. the default SEPARATOR_DOT separator "." can be part of a TOML key).

#: Special unique separator for :py:meth:`nitpick.blender.quoted_split()`.

[docs]def compare_lists_with_dictdiffer( actual: list | dict, expected: list | dict, *, return_list: bool = True ) -> list | dict: """Compare two lists using dictdiffer.""" additions_and_changes = [change for change in dictdiffer.diff(actual, expected) if change[0] != "remove"] if not additions_and_changes: return [] try: changed_dict = dictdiffer.patch(additions_and_changes, {}) except KeyError: return expected if return_list: return list(changed_dict.values()) return changed_dict
[docs]def search_json(json_data: ElementData, jmespath_expression: ParsedResult | str, default: Any | None = None) -> Any: """Search a dictionary or list using a JMESPath expression. Return a default value if not found. >>> data = {"root": {"app": [1, 2], "test": "something"}} >>> search_json(data, "", None) [1, 2] >>> search_json(data, "root.test", None) 'something' >>> search_json(data, "root.unknown", "") '' >>> search_json(data, "root.unknown", None) >>> search_json(data, "root.unknown") >>> search_json(data, jmespath.compile(""), []) [1, 2] >>> search_json(data, jmespath.compile("root.whatever"), "xxx") 'xxx' >>> search_json(data, "") >>> search_json(data, None) :param jmespath_expression: A compiled JMESPath expression or a string with an expression. :param json_data: The dictionary to be searched. :param default: Default value in case nothing is found. :return: The object that was found or the default value. """ if not jmespath_expression: return default if isinstance(jmespath_expression, str): rv =, json_data) else: rv = return rv or default
[docs]@define class ElementDetail: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Detailed information about an element of a list.""" data: ElementData key: str | list[str] index: int scalar: bool compact: str @property def cast_to_dict(self) -> JsonDict: """Data cast to dict, for mypy.""" return cast(JsonDict,
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, index: int, data: ElementData, jmes_key: str) -> ElementDetail: """Create an element detail from dict data.""" if isinstance(data, (list, dict)): scalar = False compact = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, separators=(SEPARATOR_COMMA, SEPARATOR_COLON)) key = search_json(data, jmes_key) if not key: key = compact else: scalar = True key = compact = str(data) return ElementDetail(data=data, key=key, index=index, scalar=scalar, compact=compact)
[docs]@define class ListDetail: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Detailed info about a list.""" data: ListOrCommentedSeq elements: list[ElementDetail]
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data: ListOrCommentedSeq, jmes_key: str) -> ListDetail: """Create a list detail from list data.""" return ListDetail( data=data, elements=[ElementDetail.from_data(index, data, jmes_key) for index, data in enumerate(data)] )
[docs] def find_by_key(self, desired: ElementDetail) -> ElementDetail | None: """Find an element by key.""" for actual in self.elements: if isinstance(desired.key, list): if set(desired.key).issubset(set(actual.key)): return actual elif desired.key == actual.key: return actual return None
[docs]def set_key_if_not_empty(dict_: JsonDict, key: str, value: Any) -> None: """Update the dict if the value is valid.""" if not value: return dict_[key] = value
[docs]def quoted_split(string_: str, separator=SEPARATOR_DOT) -> list[str]: """Split a string by a separator, but considering quoted parts (single or double quotes). >>> quoted_split("my.key.without.quotes") ['my', 'key', 'without', 'quotes'] >>> quoted_split('"double.quoted.string"') ['double.quoted.string'] >>> quoted_split('"double.quoted.string".and.after') ['double.quoted.string', 'and', 'after'] >>> quoted_split('something.before."double.quoted.string"') ['something', 'before', 'double.quoted.string'] >>> quoted_split("'single.quoted.string'") ['single.quoted.string'] >>> quoted_split("'single.quoted.string'.and.after") ['single.quoted.string', 'and', 'after'] >>> quoted_split("something.before.'single.quoted.string'") ['something', 'before', 'single.quoted.string'] """ if DOUBLE_QUOTE not in string_ and SINGLE_QUOTE not in string_: return string_.split(separator) quoted_regex = re.compile( f"([{SINGLE_QUOTE}{DOUBLE_QUOTE}][^{SINGLE_QUOTE}{DOUBLE_QUOTE}]+[{SINGLE_QUOTE}{DOUBLE_QUOTE}])" ) def remove_quotes(match): return"{SINGLE_QUOTE}{DOUBLE_QUOTE}").replace(separator, SEPARATOR_QUOTED_SPLIT) return [ part.replace(SEPARATOR_QUOTED_SPLIT, separator) for part in quoted_regex.sub(remove_quotes, string_).split(separator) ]
[docs]def quote_if_dotted(key: str) -> str: """Quote the key if it has a dot.""" if not isinstance(key, str): return key if SEPARATOR_DOT in key and DOUBLE_QUOTE not in key: return f"{DOUBLE_QUOTE}{key}{DOUBLE_QUOTE}" return key
[docs]def quote_reducer(separator: str) -> Callable: """Reducer used to unflatten dicts. Quote keys when they have dots.""" def _inner_quote_reducer(key1: str | None, key2: str) -> str: if key1 is None: return quote_if_dotted(key2) return f"{key1}{separator}{quote_if_dotted(key2)}" return _inner_quote_reducer
[docs]def quotes_splitter(flat_key: str) -> tuple[str, ...]: """Split keys keeping quoted strings together.""" return tuple( piece.replace(SEPARATOR_SPACE, SEPARATOR_DOT) if SEPARATOR_SPACE in piece else piece for piece in shlex.split(flat_key.replace(SEPARATOR_DOT, SEPARATOR_SPACE)) )
[docs]def custom_reducer(separator: str) -> Callable: """Custom reducer for :py:meth:`flatten_dict.flatten_dict.flatten()` accepting a separator.""" def _inner_custom_reducer(key1, key2): if key1 is None: return key2 return f"{key1}{separator}{key2}" return _inner_custom_reducer
[docs]def custom_splitter(separator: str) -> Callable: """Custom splitter for :py:meth:`flatten_dict.flatten_dict.unflatten()` accepting a separator.""" def _inner_custom_splitter(flat_key) -> tuple[str, ...]: """Return a tuple of keys split by the separator.""" return tuple(flat_key.split(separator)) return _inner_custom_splitter
# TODO: refactor: use only tomlkit and remove uiri/toml # - tomlkit preserves comments # - uiri/toml looks abandoned # Code to be used with tomlkit when merging styles # merged_dict = unflatten(self._merged_styles, toml_style_splitter) # def toml_style_splitter(flat_key: str) -> Tuple[str, ...]: # """Splitter for TOML style files, in an attempt to remove empty TOML tables.""" # original = flat_key.split(SEPARATOR_FLATTEN) # quoted = [quote_if_dotted(k) for k in original] # # first = quoted.pop(0) # last = quoted.pop() if quoted else None # # grouped = [first] # if quoted: # grouped.append(SEPARATOR_DOT.join(quoted)) # if last: # grouped.append(last) # return tuple(grouped)
[docs]def flatten_quotes(dict_: JsonDict, separator=SEPARATOR_DOT) -> JsonDict: """Flatten a dict keeping quotes in keys.""" dict_with_quoted_keys = flatten(dict_, reducer=quote_reducer(separator)) clean_dict = {} for key, value in dict_with_quoted_keys.items(): # type: str, Any key_with_stripped_ends = key.strip(DOUBLE_QUOTE) if key_with_stripped_ends.count(DOUBLE_QUOTE): # Key has quotes in the middle; keep all quotes clean_dict[key] = value else: # Key only has quotes in the beginning and end; remove quotes clean_dict[key_with_stripped_ends] = value return clean_dict
unflatten_quotes = partial(unflatten, splitter=quotes_splitter)
[docs]class Comparison: """A comparison between two dictionaries, computing missing items and differences.""" def __init__(self, actual: TBaseDoc, expected: JsonDict, special_config: SpecialConfig) -> None: self.flat_actual = flatten_quotes(actual.as_object) self.flat_expected = flatten_quotes(expected) self.doc_class = actual.__class__ self.missing_dict: JsonDict = {} self.diff_dict: JsonDict = {} self.replace_dict: JsonDict = {} self.special_config = special_config @property def missing(self) -> TBaseDoc | None: """Missing data.""" if not self.missing_dict: return None return self.doc_class(obj=(unflatten_quotes(self.missing_dict))) @property def diff(self) -> TBaseDoc | None: """Different data.""" if not self.diff_dict: return None return self.doc_class(obj=(unflatten_quotes(self.diff_dict))) @property def replace(self) -> TBaseDoc | None: """Data to be replaced.""" if not self.replace_dict: return None return self.doc_class(obj=unflatten_quotes(self.replace_dict)) @property def has_changes(self) -> bool: """Return True is there is a difference or something missing.""" return bool(self.missing or self.diff or self.replace) def __call__(self) -> Comparison: """Compare two flattened dictionaries and compute missing and different items.""" if self.flat_expected.items() <= self.flat_actual.items(): return self for key, expected_value in self.flat_expected.items(): if key not in self.flat_actual: self.missing_dict[key] = expected_value self.replace_dict[key] = expected_value continue actual = self.flat_actual[key] if isinstance(expected_value, list): list_keys = self.special_config.list_keys.value.get(key, "") if SEPARATOR_DOT in list_keys: parent_key, child_key = list_keys.rsplit(SEPARATOR_DOT, 1) jmes_key = f"{parent_key}[].{child_key}" else: parent_key = "" child_key = list_keys jmes_key = child_key self._compare_list_elements( key, parent_key, child_key, ListDetail.from_data(actual, jmes_key), ListDetail.from_data(expected_value, jmes_key), ) elif expected_value != actual: set_key_if_not_empty(self.diff_dict, key, expected_value) return self def _compare_list_elements( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # noqa: PLR0913 self, key: str, parent_key: str, child_key: str, actual_detail: ListDetail, expected_detail: ListDetail ) -> None: """Compare list elements by their keys or hashes.""" display = [] replace = for expected_element in expected_detail.elements: actual_element = actual_detail.find_by_key(expected_element) if not actual_element: display.append( replace.append( continue if parent_key: new_block: JsonDict = self._compare_children(parent_key, child_key, actual_element, expected_element) if new_block: display.append( replace[actual_element.index] = new_block continue diff = compare_lists_with_dictdiffer( actual_element.cast_to_dict, expected_element.cast_to_dict, return_list=False ) if diff: new_block = cast(JsonDict, new_block.update(diff) display.append(new_block) replace[actual_element.index] = new_block if display: set_key_if_not_empty(self.missing_dict, key, display) set_key_if_not_empty(self.replace_dict, key, replace) @staticmethod def _compare_children( parent_key: str, child_key: str, actual_element: ElementDetail, expected_element: ElementDetail ) -> JsonDict: """Compare children of a JSON dict, return only the inner difference. E.g.: a pre-commit hook ID with different args will return a JSON only with the specific hook, not with all the hooks of the parent repo. """ new_nested_block: JsonDict = {} jmes_nested = f"{parent_key}[?{child_key}=='{expected_element.key[0]}']" actual_nested = search_json(, jmes_nested, []) expected_nested = search_json(, jmes_nested, [{}]) diff_nested = compare_lists_with_dictdiffer(actual_nested, expected_nested, return_list=True) if diff_nested: actual_data = cast(JsonDict, expected_data = cast(JsonDict, # TODO: fix: set value deep down the tree (try dpath-python). parent_key = 'regions[].cities[].people' expected_data[parent_key] = diff_nested new_nested_block = actual_data.copy() for nested_index, obj in enumerate(actual_data[parent_key]): if obj == actual_nested[0]: new_nested_block[parent_key][nested_index] = diff_nested[0] break return new_nested_block
[docs]class BaseDoc(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for configuration file formats. :param path: Path of the config file to be loaded. :param string: Config in string format. :param obj: Config object (Python dict, YamlDoc, TomlDoc instances). """ __repr__ = autorepr(["path"]) def __init__( self, *, path: PathOrStr | None = None, string: str | None = None, obj: JsonDict | None = None ) -> None: self.path = path self._string = string self._object = obj self._reformatted: str | None = None
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def load(self) -> bool: """Load the configuration from a file, a string or a dict."""
@property def as_string(self) -> str: """Contents of the file or the original string provided when the instance was created.""" return self._string or "" @property def as_object(self) -> dict: """String content converted to a Python object (dict, YAML object instance, etc.).""" if self._object is None: self.load() return self._object or {} @property def reformatted(self) -> str: """Reformat the configuration dict as a new string (it might not match the original string/file contents).""" if self._reformatted is None: self.load() return self._reformatted or ""
[docs]class InlineTableTomlDecoder(toml.TomlDecoder): # type: ignore[name-defined] """A hacky decoder to work around some bug (or unfinished work) in the Python TOML package. """
[docs] def get_empty_inline_table(self): """Hackity hack for a crappy unmaintained package. Total lack of respect, the guy doesn't even reply: """ return self.get_empty_table()
[docs]class TomlDoc(BaseDoc): """TOML configuration format.""" # TODO: refactor: use only tomlkit and remove uiri/toml # remove __init__() completely def __init__( self, *, path: PathOrStr | None = None, string: str | None = None, obj: JsonDict | None = None, use_tomlkit=False, ) -> None: super().__init__(path=path, string=string, obj=obj) self.use_tomlkit = use_tomlkit
[docs] def load(self) -> bool: """Load a TOML file by its path, a string or a dict.""" if self.path is not None: self._string = Path(self.path).read_text(encoding="UTF-8") if self._string is not None: # TODO: refactor: use only tomlkit and remove uiri/toml # I tried to replace toml by tomlkit, but lots of tests break. if self.use_tomlkit: # TODO: refactor: use only tomlkit and remove uiri/toml # Removing empty tables on loads() didn't work. # The empty tables are gone, but: # 1. the output has 2 blank lines at the top # 2. the underlying dict is different than expected, and tests fail: # 'NIP001 has an incorrect style. Invalid config:', # '"pyproject.toml" Unknown file. See ' # ''] # toml_obj = tomlkit.loads(self._string) # if "" in self._string: # from tomlkit.items import KeyType, SingleKey # # black_dict = toml_obj["pyproject.toml"]["tool"]["black"] # toml_obj["pyproject.toml"].remove("tool") # toml_obj.remove("pyproject.toml") # toml_obj.add(SingleKey('"pyproject.toml"', KeyType.Bare), black_dict) # result = tomlkit.dumps(toml_obj) # print(result) self._object = tomlkit.loads(self._string) else: self._object = toml.loads(self._string, decoder=InlineTableTomlDecoder(dict)) # type: ignore[call-arg,assignment] if self._object is not None: # TODO: fix: tomlkit.dumps() renders comments and I didn't find a way to turn this off, # but comments are being lost when the TOML plugin does dict comparisons. if self.use_tomlkit: # TODO: refactor: use only tomlkit and remove uiri/toml # Removing empty tables on dumps() didn't work. # Another attempt would be to remove tables when dumping to TOML when setting self._reformatted: # 1. load a dict normally with loads() # 2. clean up TomlDocument and its empty tables recursively, reusing the code with SingleKey above # 3. dump the cleaned TomlDocument # It looks like some effort. I'll wait for # remove_empty_tables = unflatten( # flatten(self._object, custom_reducer(SEPARATOR_FLATTEN)), toml_style_splitter # ) self._reformatted = tomlkit.dumps(self._object, sort_keys=True) else: self._reformatted = toml.dumps(self._object) return True
[docs]def traverse_toml_tree(document: tomlkit.TOMLDocument, dictionary): """Traverse a TOML document recursively and change values, keeping its formatting and comments.""" for key, value in dictionary.items(): if isinstance(value, (dict,)): if key in document: traverse_toml_tree(document[key], value) else: document[key] = value else: document[key] = value
[docs]class SensibleYAML(YAML): """YAML with sensible defaults but an inefficient dump to string. `Output of dump() as a string <>`_. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.map_indent = 2 self.sequence_indent = 4 self.sequence_dash_offset = 2 self.preserve_quotes = True
[docs] def loads(self, string: str): """Load YAML from a string... that unusual use case in a world of files only.""" return self.load(StringIO(string))
[docs] def dumps(self, data) -> str: """Dump to a string... who would want such a thing? One can dump to a file or stdout.""" output = StringIO() self.dump(data, output, transform=None) return output.getvalue()
[docs]class YamlDoc(BaseDoc): """YAML configuration format.""" updater: SensibleYAML
[docs] def load(self) -> bool: """Load a YAML file by its path, a string or a dict.""" self.updater = SensibleYAML() if self.path is not None: self._string = Path(self.path).read_text(encoding="UTF-8") if self._string is not None: self._object = self.updater.loads(self._string) if self._object is not None: self._reformatted = self.updater.dumps(self._object) return True
# Classes and their representation on ruamel.yaml for dict_class in (SortedDict, items.Table, items.InlineTable): RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(dict_class, RoundTripRepresenter.represent_dict) RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(items.String, RoundTripRepresenter.represent_str) for list_class in (items.Array, items.AoT): RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(list_class, RoundTripRepresenter.represent_list) RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(items.Integer, RoundTripRepresenter.represent_int)
[docs]def is_scalar(value: YamlValue) -> bool: """Return True if the value is NOT a dict or a list.""" return not isinstance(value, (list, dict))
[docs]def replace_or_add_list_element(yaml_obj: YamlObject, element: Any, key: str, index: int) -> None: """Replace or add a new element in a YAML sequence of mappings.""" current = yaml_obj if key in yaml_obj: current = yaml_obj[key] insert: bool = index >= len(current) if insert: current.append(element) return if is_scalar(current[index]) or is_scalar(element): # If the original object is scalar, replace it with whatever element; # without traversing, even if it's a dict current[index] = element return if isinstance(element, dict): traverse_yaml_tree(current[index], element) return # At this point, value is probably a list. Set the whole list in YAML. current[index] = element return
[docs]def traverse_yaml_tree(yaml_obj: YamlObject, change: JsonDict): """Traverse a YAML document recursively and change values, keeping its formatting and comments.""" for key, value in change.items(): if key not in yaml_obj: if isinstance(yaml_obj, dict): yaml_obj[key] = value else: # Key doesn't exist: we can insert the whole nested dict at once, no regrets last_pos = len(yaml_obj.keys()) + 1 yaml_obj.insert(last_pos, key, value) continue if isinstance(value, dict): traverse_yaml_tree(yaml_obj[key], value) elif isinstance(value, list): for index, element in enumerate(value): replace_or_add_list_element(yaml_obj, element, key, index) else: yaml_obj[key] = value
[docs]class JsonDoc(BaseDoc): """JSON configuration format."""
[docs] def load(self) -> bool: """Load a JSON file by its path, a string or a dict.""" if self.path is not None: self._string = Path(self.path).read_text(encoding="UTF-8") if self._string is not None: self._object = flatten_quotes(json.loads(self._string)) if self._object is not None: # Every file should end with a blank line self._reformatted = json.dumps(self._object, sort_keys=True, indent=2) + "\n" return True