Source code for nitpick.tomlkit_ext

"""Extensions for the tomlkit package, with drop-in replacement functions and classes.

Eventually, some of the code here should/could be proposed as pull requests to the original package.

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import wraps
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import IO, TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Iterable

import tomlkit
from tomlkit import TOMLDocument
from tomlkit.exceptions import NonExistentKey
from tomlkit.items import Comment, Key, Table, Whitespace

from nitpick.constants import COMMENT_MARKER_END, COMMENT_MARKER_START

    from tomlkit.container import Container

# keep-sorted start
# keep-sorted end

def _replace_toml_document_getitem(original_method: Callable) -> Callable:
    """Replace the ::py:meth:`tomlkit.Container.__getitem__` method to allow dotted keys."""

    def inner_getitem(self, key: str | Iterable[str]) -> Container | None:
        """If the string key has a dot, recursively get the subkey.

        This is a case that is not handled by tomlkit, it fails with an error.
        if isinstance(key, str) and TOMLKIT_DOT in key:
            current = self
            for subkey in key.split(TOMLKIT_DOT):
                current = current.get(subkey)
                if current is None:
                    raise NonExistentKey(subkey)
            return current
        return original_method(self, key)

    return inner_getitem

TOMLDocument.__getitem__ = _replace_toml_document_getitem(TOMLDocument.__getitem__)

[docs]def load(file_pointer: IO[str] | IO[bytes] | Path) -> TOMLDocument: """Load a TOML file from a file-like object or path. Return an empty document if the file doesn't exist. Drop-in replacement for :py:meth:`tomlkit.api.load`. """ if isinstance(file_pointer, Path): if not file_pointer.exists(): return tomlkit.document() return tomlkit.loads(file_pointer.read_text(encoding="UTF-8")) return tomlkit.load(file_pointer)
def _find_key(container: Container, key: str) -> int | None: """Find the index of a key in a container.""" for index, (pair_key, _) in enumerate(container.body): if pair_key and isinstance(pair_key, Key) and pair_key.key == key: return index return None def _find_markers_before(container: Container, marker: str, start_index: int) -> tuple[int, int | None, int | None]: """Find comment markers before an index; only search comments and whitespace.""" previous_object_index: int = -1 marker_start: int | None = None marker_end: int | None = None current_index = start_index - 1 while current_index >= 0: _, pair_item = container.body[current_index] if isinstance(pair_item, Whitespace): pass elif isinstance(pair_item, Comment): stripped = pair_item.trivia.comment.strip(TOMLKIT_COMMENT) if stripped.startswith(f"{marker}{COMMENT_MARKER_START}"): # If we have multiple (wrong) start markers, continue until the first one marker_start = current_index elif stripped.startswith(f"{marker}{COMMENT_MARKER_END}") and not marker_end: # If we have multiple (wrong) end markers, stop on the last one marker_end = current_index else: previous_object_index = current_index break current_index -= 1 return previous_object_index, marker_start, marker_end
[docs]def multiline_comment_with_markers(marker: str, text: str) -> list[str]: """Add markers to a comment with multiple lines.""" lines: list[str] = [] for raw_line in dedent(text).strip().splitlines(): line = raw_line.lstrip(TOMLKIT_COMMENT) if not lines: line = f"{marker}{COMMENT_MARKER_START} {line}" lines.append(f"{line}") lines.append(f"{marker}{COMMENT_MARKER_END}") return lines
[docs]def update_comment_before(table: Table, key: str, marker: str, comment: str) -> None: """Update a comment before a key, between markers. Either replace an existing block or create a new one. """ if not comment.strip(): return container: Container = table.value key_index = _find_key(container, key) hashed_lines = multiline_comment_with_markers(marker, comment) new_comment = tomlkit.comment(f"\n{TOMLKIT_COMMENT}".join(hashed_lines)) if key_index is None: table.add(new_comment) return previous_object_index, marker_start, marker_end = _find_markers_before(container, marker, key_index) if marker_end is None: marker_end = key_index - 1 if marker_start is None: marker_start = previous_object_index + 1 # Remove the old comment del table.value.body[marker_start : marker_end + 1] insert_point = marker_start table.value.body.insert(insert_point, (None, new_comment))