Source code for nitpick.schemas

"""Marshmallow schemas."""

from __future__ import annotations

from marshmallow import Schema
from marshmallow_polyfield import PolyField
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict

from nitpick import fields
from nitpick.blender import flatten_quotes
from nitpick.constants import PYTHON_SETUP_CFG, READ_THE_DOCS_URL

[docs]def flatten_marshmallow_errors(errors: dict) -> str: """Flatten Marshmallow errors to a string.""" formatted = [] for field, data in SortedDict(flatten_quotes(errors)).items(): if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): messages_per_field = [f"{field}: {', '.join(data)}"] else: # This should not happen; if it does, let's just convert to a string messages_per_field = [f"{field}: {data}"] formatted.append("\n".join(messages_per_field)) return "\n".join(formatted)
[docs]def help_message(sentence: str, help_page: str) -> str: """Show help with the documentation URL on validation errors.""" clean_sentence = sentence.strip(" .") return f"{clean_sentence}. See {READ_THE_DOCS_URL}{help_page}."
[docs]class BaseNitpickSchema(Schema): """Base schema for all others, with default error messages.""" error_messages = {"unknown": help_message("Unknown configuration", "nitpick_section.html")} # noqa: RUF012
[docs]class NitpickStylesSectionSchema(BaseNitpickSchema): """Validation schema for the ``[nitpick.styles]`` section on the style file.""" error_messages = { # noqa: RUF012 "unknown": help_message("Unknown configuration", "nitpick_section.html#nitpick-styles") } include = PolyField(deserialization_schema_selector=fields.string_or_list_field)
[docs]class IniSchema(BaseNitpickSchema): """Validation schema for INI files.""" error_messages = { # noqa: RUF012 "unknown": help_message("Unknown configuration", "nitpick_section.html#comma-separated-values") } comma_separated_values = fields.List(fields.String(validate=fields.validate_section_dot_field))
[docs]class NitpickFilesSectionSchema(BaseNitpickSchema): """Validation schema for the ``[nitpick.files]`` section on the style file.""" error_messages = {"unknown": help_message("Unknown file", "nitpick_section.html#nitpick-files")} # noqa: RUF012 absent = fields.Dict(fields.NonEmptyString, fields.String()) present = fields.Dict(fields.NonEmptyString, fields.String()) # TODO: refactor: load this schema dynamically, then add this next field setup_cfg setup_cfg = fields.Nested(IniSchema, data_key=PYTHON_SETUP_CFG)
[docs]class NitpickMetaSchema(BaseNitpickSchema): """Meta info about a specific TOML style file.""" name = fields.String() url = fields.URL()
[docs]class NitpickSectionSchema(BaseNitpickSchema): """Validation schema for the ``[nitpick]`` section on the style file.""" meta = fields.Nested(NitpickMetaSchema) minimum_version = fields.NonEmptyString() styles = fields.Nested(NitpickStylesSectionSchema) files = fields.Nested(NitpickFilesSectionSchema)
[docs]class BaseStyleSchema(Schema): """Base validation schema for style files. Dynamic fields will be added to it later. """ error_messages = {"unknown": help_message("Unknown file", "plugins.html")} # noqa: RUF012 nitpick = fields.Nested(NitpickSectionSchema)