nitpick.plugins.text module

Text files.

class nitpick.plugins.text.TextItemSchema(*, only: types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None, exclude: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), many: bool = False, context: dict | None = None, load_only: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), dump_only: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), partial: bool | types.StrSequenceOrSet = False, unknown: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: Schema

Validation schema for the object inside contains.

class Meta

Bases: object

Options object for a Schema.

Example usage:

class Meta:
    fields = ("id", "email", "date_created")
    exclude = ("password", "secret_attribute")

Available options:

  • fields: Tuple or list of fields to include in the serialized result.

  • additional: Tuple or list of fields to include in addition to the

    explicitly declared fields. additional and fields are mutually-exclusive options.

  • include: Dictionary of additional fields to include in the schema. It is

    usually better to define fields as class variables, but you may need to use this option, e.g., if your fields are Python keywords. May be an OrderedDict.

  • exclude: Tuple or list of fields to exclude in the serialized result.

    Nested fields can be represented with dot delimiters.

  • dateformat: Default format for Date <fields.Date> fields.

  • datetimeformat: Default format for DateTime <fields.DateTime> fields.

  • timeformat: Default format for Time <fields.Time> fields.

  • render_module: Module to use for loads <Schema.loads> and dumps <Schema.dumps>.

    Defaults to json from the standard library.

  • ordered: If True, order serialization output according to the

    order in which fields were declared. Output of Schema.dump will be a collections.OrderedDict.

  • index_errors: If True, errors dictionaries will include the index

    of invalid items in a collection.

  • load_only: Tuple or list of fields to exclude from serialized results.

  • dump_only: Tuple or list of fields to exclude from deserialization

  • unknown: Whether to exclude, include, or raise an error for unknown

    fields in the data. Use EXCLUDE, INCLUDE or RAISE.

  • register: Whether to register the Schema with marshmallow’s internal

    class registry. Must be True if you intend to refer to this Schema by class name in Nested fields. Only set this to False when memory usage is critical. Defaults to True.


alias of SchemaOpts

TYPE_MAPPING: Dict[type, Type[ma_fields.Field]] = {<class 'str'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.String'>, <class 'bytes'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.String'>, <class 'datetime.datetime'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.DateTime'>, <class 'float'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Float'>, <class 'bool'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Boolean'>, <class 'tuple'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Raw'>, <class 'list'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Raw'>, <class 'set'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Raw'>, <class 'int'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Integer'>, <class 'uuid.UUID'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.UUID'>, <class 'datetime.time'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Time'>, <class ''>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Date'>, <class 'datetime.timedelta'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.TimeDelta'>, <class 'decimal.Decimal'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Decimal'>}
property dict_class: type
dump(obj: Any, *, many: bool | None = None)

Serialize an object to native Python data types according to this Schema’s fields.

  • obj – The object to serialize.

  • many – Whether to serialize obj as a collection. If None, the value for self.many is used.


Serialized data

New in version 1.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0b7: This method returns the serialized data rather than a (data, errors) duple. A ValidationError is raised if obj is invalid.

Changed in version 3.0.0rc9: Validation no longer occurs upon serialization.

dumps(obj: Any, *args, many: bool | None = None, **kwargs)

Same as dump(), except return a JSON-encoded string.

  • obj – The object to serialize.

  • many – Whether to serialize obj as a collection. If None, the value for self.many is used.


A json string

New in version 1.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0b7: This method returns the serialized data rather than a (data, errors) duple. A ValidationError is raised if obj is invalid.

error_messages: Dict[str, str] = {'unknown': 'Unknown configuration. See'}

Overrides for default schema-level error messages

fields: Dict[str, ma_fields.Field]

Dictionary mapping field_names -> Field objects

classmethod from_dict(fields: dict[str, ma_fields.Field | type], *, name: str = 'GeneratedSchema') type

Generate a Schema class given a dictionary of fields.

from marshmallow import Schema, fields

PersonSchema = Schema.from_dict({"name": fields.Str()})
print(PersonSchema().load({"name": "David"}))  # => {'name': 'David'}

Generated schemas are not added to the class registry and therefore cannot be referred to by name in Nested fields.

  • fields (dict) – Dictionary mapping field names to field instances.

  • name (str) – Optional name for the class, which will appear in the repr for the class.

New in version 3.0.0.

get_attribute(obj: Any, attr: str, default: Any)

Defines how to pull values from an object to serialize.

New in version 2.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0a1: Changed position of obj and attr.

handle_error(error: ValidationError, data: Any, *, many: bool, **kwargs)

Custom error handler function for the schema.

  • error – The ValidationError raised during (de)serialization.

  • data – The original input data.

  • many – Value of many on dump or load.

  • partial – Value of partial on load.

New in version 2.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0rc9: Receives many and partial (on deserialization) as keyword arguments.

load(data: Mapping[str, Any] | Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]], *, many: bool | None = None, partial: bool | types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None, unknown: str | None = None)

Deserialize a data structure to an object defined by this Schema’s fields.

  • data – The data to deserialize.

  • many – Whether to deserialize data as a collection. If None, the value for self.many is used.

  • partial – Whether to ignore missing fields and not require any fields declared. Propagates down to Nested fields as well. If its value is an iterable, only missing fields listed in that iterable will be ignored. Use dot delimiters to specify nested fields.

  • unknown – Whether to exclude, include, or raise an error for unknown fields in the data. Use EXCLUDE, INCLUDE or RAISE. If None, the value for self.unknown is used.


Deserialized data

New in version 1.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0b7: This method returns the deserialized data rather than a (data, errors) duple. A ValidationError is raised if invalid data are passed.

loads(json_data: str, *, many: bool | None = None, partial: bool | types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None, unknown: str | None = None, **kwargs)

Same as load(), except it takes a JSON string as input.

  • json_data – A JSON string of the data to deserialize.

  • many – Whether to deserialize obj as a collection. If None, the value for self.many is used.

  • partial – Whether to ignore missing fields and not require any fields declared. Propagates down to Nested fields as well. If its value is an iterable, only missing fields listed in that iterable will be ignored. Use dot delimiters to specify nested fields.

  • unknown – Whether to exclude, include, or raise an error for unknown fields in the data. Use EXCLUDE, INCLUDE or RAISE. If None, the value for self.unknown is used.


Deserialized data

New in version 1.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0b7: This method returns the deserialized data rather than a (data, errors) duple. A ValidationError is raised if invalid data are passed.

on_bind_field(field_name: str, field_obj: Field) None

Hook to modify a field when it is bound to the Schema.

No-op by default.

opts: SchemaOpts = <marshmallow.schema.SchemaOpts object>
property set_class: type
validate(data: Mapping[str, Any] | Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]], *, many: bool | None = None, partial: bool | types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None) dict[str, list[str]]

Validate data against the schema, returning a dictionary of validation errors.

  • data – The data to validate.

  • many – Whether to validate data as a collection. If None, the value for self.many is used.

  • partial – Whether to ignore missing fields and not require any fields declared. Propagates down to Nested fields as well. If its value is an iterable, only missing fields listed in that iterable will be ignored. Use dot delimiters to specify nested fields.


A dictionary of validation errors.

New in version 1.1.0.

class nitpick.plugins.text.TextPlugin(info: FileInfo, expected_config: JsonDict, autofix=False)[source]

Bases: NitpickPlugin

Enforce configuration on text files.

To check if some.txt file contains the lines abc and def (in any order):

line = "abc"

line = "def"
dirty: bool
enforce_rules() Iterator[Fuss][source]

Enforce rules for missing lines.

entry_point() Iterator[Fuss]

Entry point of the Nitpick plugin.

expected_config: JsonDict
file_path: Path
filename = ''
fixable: bool = False

Can this plugin modify its files directly? Are the files fixable?

identify_tags: set[str] = {'text'}

Which identify tags this nitpick.plugins.base.NitpickPlugin child recognises.

property initial_contents: str

Suggest the initial content for this missing file.

property nitpick_file_dict: Dict[str, Any]

Nitpick configuration for this file as a TOML dict, taken from the style file.


Hook for plugin initialization after the instance was created.

The name mimics __post_init__() on dataclasses, without the magic double underscores: Post-init processing

predefined_special_config() SpecialConfig

Create a predefined special configuration for this plugin. Each plugin can override this method.

skip_empty_suggestion = True

alias of TextSchema

violation_base_code: int = 350
write_file(file_exists: bool) Fuss | None

Hook to write the new file when autofix mode is on. Should be used by inherited classes.

write_initial_contents(doc_class: type[BaseDoc], expected_dict: dict | None = None) str

Helper to write initial contents based on a format.

class nitpick.plugins.text.TextSchema(*, only: types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None, exclude: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), many: bool = False, context: dict | None = None, load_only: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), dump_only: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (), partial: bool | types.StrSequenceOrSet = False, unknown: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: Schema

Validation schema for the text file TOML configuration.

class Meta

Bases: object

Options object for a Schema.

Example usage:

class Meta:
    fields = ("id", "email", "date_created")
    exclude = ("password", "secret_attribute")

Available options:

  • fields: Tuple or list of fields to include in the serialized result.

  • additional: Tuple or list of fields to include in addition to the

    explicitly declared fields. additional and fields are mutually-exclusive options.

  • include: Dictionary of additional fields to include in the schema. It is

    usually better to define fields as class variables, but you may need to use this option, e.g., if your fields are Python keywords. May be an OrderedDict.

  • exclude: Tuple or list of fields to exclude in the serialized result.

    Nested fields can be represented with dot delimiters.

  • dateformat: Default format for Date <fields.Date> fields.

  • datetimeformat: Default format for DateTime <fields.DateTime> fields.

  • timeformat: Default format for Time <fields.Time> fields.

  • render_module: Module to use for loads <Schema.loads> and dumps <Schema.dumps>.

    Defaults to json from the standard library.

  • ordered: If True, order serialization output according to the

    order in which fields were declared. Output of Schema.dump will be a collections.OrderedDict.

  • index_errors: If True, errors dictionaries will include the index

    of invalid items in a collection.

  • load_only: Tuple or list of fields to exclude from serialized results.

  • dump_only: Tuple or list of fields to exclude from deserialization

  • unknown: Whether to exclude, include, or raise an error for unknown

    fields in the data. Use EXCLUDE, INCLUDE or RAISE.

  • register: Whether to register the Schema with marshmallow’s internal

    class registry. Must be True if you intend to refer to this Schema by class name in Nested fields. Only set this to False when memory usage is critical. Defaults to True.


alias of SchemaOpts

TYPE_MAPPING: Dict[type, Type[ma_fields.Field]] = {<class 'str'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.String'>, <class 'bytes'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.String'>, <class 'datetime.datetime'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.DateTime'>, <class 'float'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Float'>, <class 'bool'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Boolean'>, <class 'tuple'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Raw'>, <class 'list'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Raw'>, <class 'set'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Raw'>, <class 'int'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Integer'>, <class 'uuid.UUID'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.UUID'>, <class 'datetime.time'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Time'>, <class ''>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Date'>, <class 'datetime.timedelta'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.TimeDelta'>, <class 'decimal.Decimal'>: <class 'marshmallow.fields.Decimal'>}
property dict_class: type
dump(obj: Any, *, many: bool | None = None)

Serialize an object to native Python data types according to this Schema’s fields.

  • obj – The object to serialize.

  • many – Whether to serialize obj as a collection. If None, the value for self.many is used.


Serialized data

New in version 1.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0b7: This method returns the serialized data rather than a (data, errors) duple. A ValidationError is raised if obj is invalid.

Changed in version 3.0.0rc9: Validation no longer occurs upon serialization.

dumps(obj: Any, *args, many: bool | None = None, **kwargs)

Same as dump(), except return a JSON-encoded string.

  • obj – The object to serialize.

  • many – Whether to serialize obj as a collection. If None, the value for self.many is used.


A json string

New in version 1.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0b7: This method returns the serialized data rather than a (data, errors) duple. A ValidationError is raised if obj is invalid.

error_messages: Dict[str, str] = {'unknown': 'Unknown configuration. See'}

Overrides for default schema-level error messages

fields: Dict[str, ma_fields.Field]

Dictionary mapping field_names -> Field objects

classmethod from_dict(fields: dict[str, ma_fields.Field | type], *, name: str = 'GeneratedSchema') type

Generate a Schema class given a dictionary of fields.

from marshmallow import Schema, fields

PersonSchema = Schema.from_dict({"name": fields.Str()})
print(PersonSchema().load({"name": "David"}))  # => {'name': 'David'}

Generated schemas are not added to the class registry and therefore cannot be referred to by name in Nested fields.

  • fields (dict) – Dictionary mapping field names to field instances.

  • name (str) – Optional name for the class, which will appear in the repr for the class.

New in version 3.0.0.

get_attribute(obj: Any, attr: str, default: Any)

Defines how to pull values from an object to serialize.

New in version 2.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0a1: Changed position of obj and attr.

handle_error(error: ValidationError, data: Any, *, many: bool, **kwargs)

Custom error handler function for the schema.

  • error – The ValidationError raised during (de)serialization.

  • data – The original input data.

  • many – Value of many on dump or load.

  • partial – Value of partial on load.

New in version 2.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0rc9: Receives many and partial (on deserialization) as keyword arguments.

load(data: Mapping[str, Any] | Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]], *, many: bool | None = None, partial: bool | types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None, unknown: str | None = None)

Deserialize a data structure to an object defined by this Schema’s fields.

  • data – The data to deserialize.

  • many – Whether to deserialize data as a collection. If None, the value for self.many is used.

  • partial – Whether to ignore missing fields and not require any fields declared. Propagates down to Nested fields as well. If its value is an iterable, only missing fields listed in that iterable will be ignored. Use dot delimiters to specify nested fields.

  • unknown – Whether to exclude, include, or raise an error for unknown fields in the data. Use EXCLUDE, INCLUDE or RAISE. If None, the value for self.unknown is used.


Deserialized data

New in version 1.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0b7: This method returns the deserialized data rather than a (data, errors) duple. A ValidationError is raised if invalid data are passed.

loads(json_data: str, *, many: bool | None = None, partial: bool | types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None, unknown: str | None = None, **kwargs)

Same as load(), except it takes a JSON string as input.

  • json_data – A JSON string of the data to deserialize.

  • many – Whether to deserialize obj as a collection. If None, the value for self.many is used.

  • partial – Whether to ignore missing fields and not require any fields declared. Propagates down to Nested fields as well. If its value is an iterable, only missing fields listed in that iterable will be ignored. Use dot delimiters to specify nested fields.

  • unknown – Whether to exclude, include, or raise an error for unknown fields in the data. Use EXCLUDE, INCLUDE or RAISE. If None, the value for self.unknown is used.


Deserialized data

New in version 1.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0b7: This method returns the deserialized data rather than a (data, errors) duple. A ValidationError is raised if invalid data are passed.

on_bind_field(field_name: str, field_obj: Field) None

Hook to modify a field when it is bound to the Schema.

No-op by default.

opts: SchemaOpts = <marshmallow.schema.SchemaOpts object>
property set_class: type
validate(data: Mapping[str, Any] | Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]], *, many: bool | None = None, partial: bool | types.StrSequenceOrSet | None = None) dict[str, list[str]]

Validate data against the schema, returning a dictionary of validation errors.

  • data – The data to validate.

  • many – Whether to validate data as a collection. If None, the value for self.many is used.

  • partial – Whether to ignore missing fields and not require any fields declared. Propagates down to Nested fields as well. If its value is an iterable, only missing fields listed in that iterable will be ignored. Use dot delimiters to specify nested fields.


A dictionary of validation errors.

New in version 1.1.0.

class nitpick.plugins.text.Violations(value)[source]

Bases: ViolationEnum

Violations for this plugin.

MISSING_LINES = (352, ' has missing lines:')
nitpick.plugins.text.can_handle(info: FileInfo) type[NitpickPlugin] | None[source]

Handle text files.

nitpick.plugins.text.plugin_class() type[NitpickPlugin][source]

Handle text files.