Source code for

"""Style files."""
from __future__ import annotations

from contextlib import suppress
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Iterator, Sequence, Set, Type

from flatten_dict import flatten, unflatten
from furl import furl
from identify import identify
from loguru import logger
from more_itertools import always_iterable
from slugify import slugify
from toml import TomlDecodeError

from nitpick import __version__, fields
from nitpick.blender import SEPARATOR_FLATTEN, TomlDoc, custom_reducer, custom_splitter, search_json
from nitpick.constants import (
from nitpick.exceptions import QuitComplainingError, pretty_exception
from nitpick.generic import url_to_python_path
from nitpick.plugins.base import NitpickPlugin
from import FileInfo
from nitpick.project import Project, glob_files
from nitpick.schemas import BaseStyleSchema, flatten_marshmallow_errors
from import ConfigValidator
from import Scheme, StyleFetcherManager
from import GitHubURL
from nitpick.violations import Fuss, Reporter, StyleViolations

    # DeprecationWarning: The dpath.util package is being deprecated.
    # All util functions have been moved to dpath package top level.
    from dpath import merge as dpath_merge
except ImportError:
    from dpath.util import merge as dpath_merge

    from pathlib import Path

    from nitpick.typedefs import JsonDict


Plugins = Set[Type[NitpickPlugin]]

[docs]@dataclass() class StyleManager: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Include styles recursively from one another.""" project: Project offline: bool cache_option: str _cache_dir: Path = field(init=False) _fixed_name_classes: set = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Initialize dependant fields.""" self._merged_styles: JsonDict = {} self._already_included: set[str] = set() self._dynamic_schema_class: type = BaseStyleSchema self._style_fetcher_manager = StyleFetcherManager(self.offline, self.cache_dir, self.cache_option) self._config_validator = ConfigValidator(self.project) self.rebuild_dynamic_schema() def __hash__(self): """Calculate hash on hashable items so lru_cache knows how to cache data from this class.""" return hash((self.project, self.offline, self.cache_option)) @property def cache_dir(self) -> Path: """Clear the cache directory (on the project root or on the current directory).""" try: path = self._cache_dir except AttributeError: self._cache_dir = path = self.project.root / CACHE_DIR_NAME / PROJECT_NAME # TODO: fix: check if the merged style file is still needed # if not, this line can be removed path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return path
[docs] @staticmethod def get_default_style_url(github=False) -> furl: """Return the URL of the default style/preset.""" if github: return GitHubURL(PROJECT_OWNER, PROJECT_NAME, f"v{__version__}", (NITPICK_STYLE_TOML,)).long_protocol_url return furl(scheme=Scheme.PY, host=PROJECT_NAME, path=["resources", "presets", PROJECT_NAME])
[docs] def find_initial_styles(self, configured_styles: Sequence[str], base: str | None = None) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Find the initial style(s) and include them. base is the URL for the source of the initial styles, and is used to resolve relative references. If omitted, defaults to the project root. """ project_root = self.project.root base_url = furl(base or project_root.resolve().as_uri()) if configured_styles: chosen_styles = configured_styles config_file = base_url.path.segments[-1] if base else PYPROJECT_TOML"Using styles configured in {config_file}: {', '.join(chosen_styles)}") else: paths = glob_files(project_root, [NITPICK_STYLE_TOML]) if paths: chosen_styles = [sorted(paths)[0].expanduser().resolve().as_uri()] log_message = "Using local style found climbing the directory tree" else: chosen_styles = [self.get_default_style_url()] log_message = "Using default remote Nitpick style""{log_message}: {chosen_styles[0]}") yield from self.include_multiple_styles( self._style_fetcher_manager.normalize_url(ref, base_url) for ref in chosen_styles )
[docs] def include_multiple_styles(self, chosen_styles: Iterable[furl]) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Include a list of styles (or just one) into this style tree.""" for style_url in chosen_styles: yield from self._include_style(style_url)
def _include_style(self, style_url: furl) -> Iterator[Fuss]: if style_url.url in self._already_included: return self._already_included.add(style_url.url) file_contents = self._style_fetcher_manager.fetch(style_url) if file_contents is None: return # generate a 'human readable' version of the URL; a relative path for local files # and the URL otherwise. display_name = style_url.url if style_url.scheme == "file": path = url_to_python_path(style_url) with suppress(ValueError): path = path.relative_to(self.project.root) display_name = str(path) read_toml_dict = self._read_toml(file_contents, display_name) # normalize sub-style URIs, before merging sub_styles = [ self._style_fetcher_manager.normalize_url(ref, style_url) for ref in always_iterable(search_json(read_toml_dict, NITPICK_STYLES_INCLUDE_JMEX, [])) ] if sub_styles: read_toml_dict.setdefault("nitpick", {}).setdefault("styles", {})["include"] = [ str(url) for url in sub_styles ] toml_dict, validation_errors = self._config_validator.validate(read_toml_dict) if validation_errors: yield Reporter(FileInfo(self.project, display_name)).make_fuss( StyleViolations.INVALID_CONFIG, flatten_marshmallow_errors(validation_errors) ) dpath_merge(self._merged_styles, flatten(toml_dict, custom_reducer(SEPARATOR_FLATTEN))) yield from self.include_multiple_styles(sub_styles) def _read_toml(self, file_contents: str, display_name: str) -> JsonDict: toml = TomlDoc(string=file_contents) try: read_toml_dict = toml.as_object # TODO: refactor: replace by TOMLKitError when using tomlkit only in the future: except TomlDecodeError as err: # If the TOML itself could not be parsed, we can't go on raise QuitComplainingError( Reporter(FileInfo(self.project, display_name)).make_fuss( StyleViolations.INVALID_TOML, exception=pretty_exception(err) ) ) from err return read_toml_dict
[docs] def merge_toml_dict(self) -> JsonDict: """Merge all included styles into a TOML (actually JSON) dictionary.""" merged_dict = unflatten(self._merged_styles, custom_splitter(SEPARATOR_FLATTEN)) # TODO: fix: check if the merged style file is still needed merged_style_path: Path = self.cache_dir / MERGED_STYLE_TOML toml = TomlDoc(obj=merged_dict) attempt = 1 while attempt < MAX_ATTEMPTS: try: merged_style_path.write_text(toml.reformatted) break except OSError: attempt += 1 return merged_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def file_field_pair(filename: str, base_file_class: type[NitpickPlugin]) -> dict[str, fields.Field]: """Return a schema field with info from a config file class.""" unique_filename_with_underscore = slugify(filename, separator="_") kwargs = {"data_key": filename} if base_file_class.validation_schema: file_field = fields.Nested(base_file_class.validation_schema, **kwargs) else: # For some files (e.g.: TOML/ INI files), there is no strict schema; # it can be anything they allow. # It's out of Nitpick's scope to validate those files. file_field = fields.Dict(fields.String, **kwargs) return {unique_filename_with_underscore: file_field}
[docs] def load_fixed_name_plugins(self) -> Plugins: """Separate classes with fixed file names from classes with dynamic files names.""" try: fixed_name_classes = self._fixed_name_classes except AttributeError: fixed_name_classes = self._fixed_name_classes = { plugin_class for plugin_class in self.project.plugin_manager.hook.plugin_class() # pylint: disable=no-member if plugin_class.filename } return fixed_name_classes
[docs] def rebuild_dynamic_schema(self) -> None: """Rebuild the dynamic Marshmallow schema when needed, adding new fields that were found on the style.""" new_files_found: dict[str, fields.Field] = {} fixed_name_classes = self.load_fixed_name_plugins() for subclass in fixed_name_classes: new_files_found.update(self.file_field_pair(subclass.filename, subclass)) # Only recreate the schema if new fields were found. if new_files_found: self._dynamic_schema_class = type("DynamicStyleSchema", (self._dynamic_schema_class,), new_files_found)
def _find_subclasses(self, data, handled_tags, new_files_found): for possible_file in data: found_subclasses = [] for file_tag in identify.tags_from_filename(possible_file): handler_subclass = handled_tags.get(file_tag) if handler_subclass: found_subclasses.append(handler_subclass) for found_subclass in found_subclasses: new_files_found.update(self.file_field_pair(possible_file, found_subclass))