Source code for nitpick.project

"""A project to be nitpicked."""
from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Iterator

import tomlkit
from autorepr import autorepr
from loguru import logger
from marshmallow_polyfield import PolyField
from more_itertools.more import always_iterable
from pluggy import PluginManager
from tomlkit.items import KeyType, SingleKey

from nitpick import fields, plugins
from nitpick.blender import TomlDoc, search_json
from nitpick.constants import (
from nitpick.exceptions import QuitComplainingError
from nitpick.generic import version_to_tuple
from nitpick.schemas import BaseNitpickSchema, flatten_marshmallow_errors, help_message
from nitpick.violations import Fuss, ProjectViolations, Reporter, StyleViolations

    from tomlkit.toml_document import TOMLDocument

    from nitpick.typedefs import JsonDict, PathOrStr

[docs]def glob_files(dir_: Path, file_patterns: Iterable[str]) -> set[Path]: """Search a directory looking for file patterns.""" for pattern in file_patterns: found_files = set(dir_.glob(pattern)) if found_files: return found_files return set()
[docs]def confirm_project_root(dir_: PathOrStr | None = None) -> Path: """Confirm this is the root dir of the project (the one that has one of the ``ROOT_FILES``).""" possible_root_dir = Path(dir_ or Path.cwd()).resolve() root_files = glob_files(possible_root_dir, ROOT_FILES) logger.debug(f"Root files found: {root_files}") if root_files: return next(iter(root_files)).parent logger.error(f"No root files found on directory {possible_root_dir}") raise QuitComplainingError(Reporter().make_fuss(ProjectViolations.NO_ROOT_DIR))
[docs]def find_main_python_file(root_dir: Path) -> Path: """Find the main Python file in the root dir, the one that will be used to report Flake8 warnings. The search order is: 1. Python files that belong to the root dir of the project (e.g.: ````, ````). 2. ````: they can be on the root or on a subdir (Django projects). 3. Any other ``*.py`` Python file on the root dir and subdir. This avoid long recursions when there is a ``node_modules`` subdir for instance. """ for the_file in itertools.chain( # 1. [root_dir / root_file for root_file in ROOT_PYTHON_FILES], # 2. root_dir.glob(f"*/{MANAGE_PY}"), # 3. root_dir.glob("*.py"), root_dir.glob("*/*.py"), ): if the_file.exists():"Found the file {the_file}") return Path(the_file) raise QuitComplainingError(Reporter().make_fuss(ProjectViolations.NO_PYTHON_FILE, root=str(root_dir)))
[docs]class ToolNitpickSectionSchema(BaseNitpickSchema): """Validation schema for the ``[tool.nitpick]`` section on ``pyproject.toml``.""" error_messages = {"unknown": help_message("Unknown configuration", "configuration.html")} style = PolyField(deserialization_schema_selector=fields.string_or_list_field) cache = fields.NonEmptyString()
[docs]@dataclass class Configuration: """Configuration read from one of the ``CONFIG_FILES``.""" file: Path | None styles: str | list[str] cache: str
[docs]class Project: """A project to be nitpicked.""" __repr__ = autorepr(["_chosen_root", "root"]) _plugin_manager: PluginManager _confirmed_root: Path def __init__(self, root: PathOrStr | None = None) -> None: self._chosen_root = root self.style_dict: JsonDict = {} self.nitpick_section: JsonDict = {} self.nitpick_files_section: JsonDict = {} @property def root(self) -> Path: """Root dir of the project.""" try: root = self._confirmed_root except AttributeError: root = self._confirmed_root = confirm_project_root(self._chosen_root) return root @property def plugin_manager(self) -> PluginManager: """Load all defined plugins.""" try: manager = self._plugin_manager except AttributeError: manager = self._plugin_manager = PluginManager(PROJECT_NAME) manager.add_hookspecs(plugins) manager.load_setuptools_entrypoints(PROJECT_NAME) return manager
[docs] def read_configuration(self) -> Configuration: """Search for a configuration file and validate it against a Marshmallow schema.""" config_file: Path | None = None for possible_file in CONFIG_FILES: path: Path = self.root / possible_file if not path.exists(): continue if not config_file:"Config file: reading from {path}") config_file = path else: logger.warning(f"Config file: ignoring existing {path}") if not config_file: logger.warning("Config file: none found") return Configuration(None, [], "") toml_doc = TomlDoc(path=config_file) config_dict = search_json(toml_doc.as_object, TOOL_NITPICK_JMEX, {}) validation_errors = ToolNitpickSectionSchema().validate(config_dict) if not validation_errors: return Configuration(config_file, config_dict.get("style", []), config_dict.get("cache", "")) # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from import FileInfo raise QuitComplainingError( Reporter(FileInfo(self, PYPROJECT_TOML)).make_fuss( StyleViolations.INVALID_DATA_TOOL_NITPICK, flatten_marshmallow_errors(validation_errors), section=TOOL_NITPICK_KEY, ) )
[docs] def merge_styles(self, offline: bool) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Merge one or multiple style files.""" config = self.read_configuration() # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from import StyleManager style = StyleManager(self, offline, config.cache) base = config.file.expanduser().resolve().as_uri() if config.file else None style_errors = list(style.find_initial_styles(list(always_iterable(config.styles)), base)) if style_errors: raise QuitComplainingError(style_errors) self.style_dict = style.merge_toml_dict() from nitpick.flake8 import NitpickFlake8Extension minimum_version = search_json(self.style_dict, NITPICK_MINIMUM_VERSION_JMEX, None) logger.debug(f"Minimum version: {minimum_version}") if minimum_version and version_to_tuple(NitpickFlake8Extension.version) < version_to_tuple(minimum_version): yield Reporter().make_fuss( ProjectViolations.MINIMUM_VERSION, project=PROJECT_NAME, expected=minimum_version, actual=NitpickFlake8Extension.version, ) self.nitpick_section = self.style_dict.get("nitpick", {}) self.nitpick_files_section = self.nitpick_section.get("files", {})
[docs] def create_configuration(self, config: Configuration, *style_urls: str) -> None: """Create a configuration file.""" from import StyleManager # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel if config.file: doc: TOMLDocument = tomlkit.parse(config.file.read_text()) else: doc = tomlkit.document() config.file = self.root / DOT_NITPICK_TOML if not style_urls: style_urls = (str(StyleManager.get_default_style_url()),) tool_nitpick = tomlkit.table() tool_nitpick.add(tomlkit.comment("Generated by the 'nitpick init' command")) tool_nitpick.add(tomlkit.comment(f"More info at {READ_THE_DOCS_URL}configuration.html")) tool_nitpick.add("style", tomlkit.array([tomlkit.string(url) for url in style_urls])) doc.add(SingleKey(TOOL_NITPICK_KEY, KeyType.Bare), tool_nitpick) # config.file will always have a value at this point, but mypy can't see it. config.file.write_text(tomlkit.dumps(doc, sort_keys=True))