Source code for nitpick.plugins.json

"""JSON files."""
from __future__ import annotations

import json
from itertools import chain
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator

from loguru import logger

from nitpick import fields
from nitpick.blender import BaseDoc, Comparison, JsonDoc, flatten_quotes, unflatten_quotes
from nitpick.plugins import hookimpl
from nitpick.plugins.base import NitpickPlugin
from nitpick.schemas import BaseNitpickSchema
from nitpick.violations import Fuss, SharedViolations, ViolationEnum

    from import FileInfo
    from nitpick.typedefs import JsonDict

KEY_CONTAINS_KEYS = "contains_keys"
KEY_CONTAINS_JSON = "contains_json"
VALUE_PLACEHOLDER = "<some value here>"

[docs]class JsonFileSchema(BaseNitpickSchema): """Validation schema for any JSON file added to the style.""" contains_keys = fields.List(fields.NonEmptyString) contains_json = fields.Dict(fields.NonEmptyString, fields.JsonString)
[docs]class JsonPlugin(NitpickPlugin): """Enforce configurations and autofix JSON files. Add the configurations for the file name you wish to check. Style example: :gitref:`the default config for package.json <src/nitpick/resources/javascript/package-json.toml>`. """ validation_schema = JsonFileSchema identify_tags = {"json"} violation_base_code = 340 fixable = True
[docs] def enforce_rules(self) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Enforce rules for missing keys and JSON content.""" json_doc = JsonDoc(path=self.file_path) blender: JsonDict = json_doc.as_object.copy() if self.autofix else {} comparison = Comparison(json_doc, self.expected_dict_from_contains_keys(), self.special_config)() if comparison.missing: yield from, blender, comparison.missing) comparison = Comparison(json_doc, self.expected_dict_from_contains_json(), self.special_config)() if comparison.has_changes: yield from chain(, blender, comparison.diff),, blender, comparison.missing), ) if self.autofix and self.dirty and blender: self.file_path.write_text(JsonDoc(obj=unflatten_quotes(blender)).reformatted)
[docs] def expected_dict_from_contains_keys(self): """Expected dict created from "contains_keys" values.""" return unflatten_quotes( {key: VALUE_PLACEHOLDER for key in set(self.expected_config.get(KEY_CONTAINS_KEYS) or [])} )
[docs] def expected_dict_from_contains_json(self): """Expected dict created from "contains_json" values.""" expected_config = {} # TODO: feat: accept key as a jmespath expression, value is valid JSON for key, json_string in (self.expected_config.get(KEY_CONTAINS_JSON) or {}).items(): try: expected_config[key] = json.loads(json_string) except json.JSONDecodeError as err: # This should not happen, because the style was already validated before. # Maybe the NIP??? code was disabled by the user? logger.error(f"{err} on {KEY_CONTAINS_JSON} while checking {self.file_path}") continue return expected_config
[docs] def report(self, violation: ViolationEnum, blender: JsonDict, change: BaseDoc | None): """Report a violation while optionally modifying the JSON dict.""" if not change: return if blender: blender.update(flatten_quotes(change.as_object)) self.dirty = True yield self.reporter.make_fuss(violation, change.reformatted, prefix="", fixed=self.autofix)
@property def initial_contents(self) -> str: """Suggest the initial content for this missing file.""" suggestion = flatten_quotes(self.expected_dict_from_contains_keys()) suggestion.update(flatten_quotes(self.expected_dict_from_contains_json())) return self.write_initial_contents(JsonDoc, unflatten_quotes(suggestion))
[docs]@hookimpl def plugin_class() -> type[NitpickPlugin]: """Handle JSON files.""" return JsonPlugin
[docs]@hookimpl def can_handle(info: FileInfo) -> type[NitpickPlugin] | None: """Handle JSON files.""" if JsonPlugin.identify_tags & info.tags: return JsonPlugin return None