Source code for nitpick.enums

import os
from enum import Enum, IntEnum, auto

from nitpick.constants import PROJECT_NAME

class _OptionMixin:
    """Private mixin used to test the CLI options."""

    name: str

    def as_flake8_flag(self) -> str:
        """Format the name of a flag to be used on the CLI."""
        slug ="_", "-")
        return f"--{PROJECT_NAME}-{slug}"

    def as_envvar(self) -> str:
        """Format the name of an environment variable."""
        return f"{PROJECT_NAME.upper()}_{}"

    def get_environ(self) -> str:
        """Get the value of an environment variable."""
        return os.environ.get(self.as_envvar(), "")

[docs]class OptionEnum(_OptionMixin, Enum): """Options to be used with the CLI.""" OFFLINE = "Offline mode: no style will be downloaded (no HTTP requests at all)"
[docs]class CachingEnum(IntEnum): """Caching modes for styles.""" #: Never cache, the style file(s) are always looked-up. NEVER = auto() #: Once the style(s) are cached, they never expire. FOREVER = auto() #: The cache expires after the configured amount of time (minutes/hours/days). EXPIRES = auto()