nitpick.generic module

Generic functions and classes.

nitpick.generic.filter_names(iterable: Iterable, *partial_names: str) list[str][source]

Filter names and keep only the desired partial names.

Exclude the project name automatically.

>>> file_list = ['requirements.txt', 'tox.ini', '', 'nitpick']
>>> filter_names(file_list)
['requirements.txt', 'tox.ini', '']
>>> filter_names(file_list, 'ini', '.py')
['tox.ini', '']
>>> mapping = {'requirements.txt': None, 'tox.ini': 1, '': 2, 'nitpick': 3}
>>> filter_names(mapping)
['requirements.txt', 'tox.ini', '']
>>> filter_names(file_list, 'x')
['requirements.txt', 'tox.ini']
nitpick.generic.get_global_gitignore_path() Path | None[source]

Get the path to the global Git ignore file.

nitpick.generic.glob_files(dir_: Path, file_patterns: Iterable[str]) set[pathlib.Path][source]

Search a directory looking for file patterns.

nitpick.generic.glob_non_ignored_files(root_dir: Path, pattern: str = '**/*') Iterable[Path][source]

Glob all files in the root dir that are not ignored by Git.

nitpick.generic.relative_to_current_dir(path_or_str: PathOrStr | None) str[source]

Return a relative path to the current dir or an absolute path.

nitpick.generic.url_to_python_path(url: furl) Path

Convert the segments of a file URL to a path.