Source code for nitpick.plugins.text

"""Text files."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar, Iterator

from marshmallow import Schema
from marshmallow.orderedset import OrderedSet

from nitpick import fields
from nitpick.plugins import hookimpl
from nitpick.plugins.base import NitpickPlugin
from nitpick.schemas import help_message
from nitpick.violations import Fuss, ViolationEnum

    from import FileInfo

TEXT_FILE_RTFD_PAGE = "plugins.html#text-files"
KEY_CONTAINS = "contains"

[docs]class TextItemSchema(Schema): """Validation schema for the object inside ``contains``.""" error_messages = {"unknown": help_message("Unknown configuration", TEXT_FILE_RTFD_PAGE)} # noqa: RUF012 line = fields.NonEmptyString()
[docs]class TextSchema(Schema): """Validation schema for the text file TOML configuration.""" error_messages = {"unknown": help_message("Unknown configuration", TEXT_FILE_RTFD_PAGE)} # noqa: RUF012 contains = fields.List(fields.Nested(TextItemSchema))
[docs]class Violations(ViolationEnum): """Violations for this plugin.""" MISSING_LINES = (352, " has missing lines:")
[docs]class TextPlugin(NitpickPlugin): """Enforce configuration on text files. To check if ``some.txt`` file contains the lines ``abc`` and ``def`` (in any order): .. code-block:: toml [["some.txt".contains]] line = "abc" [["some.txt".contains]] line = "def" """ identify_tags: ClassVar = {"text"} validation_schema = TextSchema #: All other files are also text files, and they already have a suggested content message # TODO: refactor: rethink the whole schema validation and remove this attribute skip_empty_suggestion = True violation_base_code = 350 def _expected_lines(self): return [obj.get("line") for obj in self.expected_config.get(KEY_CONTAINS, {})] @property def initial_contents(self) -> str: """Suggest the initial content for this missing file.""" return "\n".join(self._expected_lines())
[docs] def enforce_rules(self) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Enforce rules for missing lines.""" expected = OrderedSet(self._expected_lines()) actual = OrderedSet(self.file_path.read_text().split("\n")) missing = expected - actual if missing: yield self.reporter.make_fuss(Violations.MISSING_LINES, "\n".join(sorted(missing)))
[docs]@hookimpl def plugin_class() -> type[NitpickPlugin]: """Handle text files.""" return TextPlugin
[docs]@hookimpl def can_handle(info: FileInfo) -> type[NitpickPlugin] | None: """Handle text files.""" if TextPlugin.identify_tags & info.tags: return TextPlugin return None