Source code for nitpick.plugins.ini

"""INI files."""

from __future__ import annotations

from configparser import ConfigParser, DuplicateOptionError, Error, MissingSectionHeaderError, ParsingError
from io import StringIO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Iterator

import dictdiffer
from configupdater import ConfigUpdater, Space

from nitpick.plugins import hookimpl
from nitpick.plugins.base import NitpickPlugin
from nitpick.violations import Fuss, ViolationEnum

    from import FileInfo

COMMA_SEPARATED_VALUES = "comma_separated_values"

[docs]class Violations(ViolationEnum): """Violations for this plugin.""" MISSING_SECTIONS = (321, " has some missing sections. Use this:") MISSING_VALUES_IN_LIST = (322, " has missing values in the {key!r} key. Include those values:") OPTION_HAS_DIFFERENT_VALUE = (323, ": [{section}]{key} is {actual} but it should be like this:") MISSING_OPTION = (324, ": section [{section}] has some missing key/value pairs. Use this:") INVALID_COMMA_SEPARATED_VALUES_SECTION = (325, f": invalid sections on {COMMA_SEPARATED_VALUES}:") PARSING_ERROR = (326, ": parsing error ({cls}): {msg}") TOP_SECTION_HAS_DIFFERENT_VALUE = (327, ": {key} is {actual} but it should be:") TOP_SECTION_MISSING_OPTION = (328, ": top section has missing options. Use this:")
[docs]class IniPlugin(NitpickPlugin): """Enforce configurations and autofix INI files. Examples of ``.ini`` files handled by this plugin: - `setup.cfg <>`_ - `.editorconfig <>`_ - `tox.ini <>`_ - `.pylintrc <>`_ Style examples enforcing values on INI files: :gitref:`flake8 configuration <src/nitpick/resources/python/flake8.toml>`. """ fixable = True identify_tags: ClassVar = {"ini", "editorconfig"} violation_base_code = 320 updater: ConfigUpdater comma_separated_values: set[str]
[docs] def post_init(self): """Post initialization after the instance was created.""" self.updater = ConfigUpdater() self.comma_separated_values = set(self.nitpick_file_dict.get(COMMA_SEPARATED_VALUES, [])) if not self.needs_top_section: return if all(isinstance(v, dict) for v in self.expected_config.values()): return new_config = {TOP_SECTION: {}} for key, value in self.expected_config.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): new_config[key] = value continue new_config[TOP_SECTION][key] = value self.expected_config = new_config
@property def needs_top_section(self) -> bool: """Return True if this .ini file needs a top section (e.g.: .editorconfig).""" return "editorconfig" in @property def current_sections(self) -> set[str]: """Current sections of the .ini file, including updated sections.""" return set(self.updater.sections()) @property def initial_contents(self) -> str: """Suggest the initial content for this missing file.""" return self.get_missing_output() @property def expected_sections(self) -> set[str]: """Expected sections (from the style config).""" return set(self.expected_config.keys()) @property def missing_sections(self) -> set[str]: """Missing sections.""" return self.expected_sections - self.current_sections
[docs] def write_file(self, file_exists: bool) -> Fuss | None: """Write the new file.""" try: if self.needs_top_section: self.file_path.write_text(self.contents_without_top_section(str(self.updater))) return None if file_exists: self.updater.update_file() else: self.updater.write("w")) except ParsingError as err: return self.reporter.make_fuss(Violations.PARSING_ERROR, cls=err.__class__.__name__, msg=err) return None
[docs] @staticmethod def contents_without_top_section(multiline_text: str) -> str: """Remove the temporary top section from multiline text, and keep the newline at the end of the file.""" return "\n".join(line for line in multiline_text.splitlines() if TOP_SECTION not in line) + "\n"
[docs] def get_missing_output(self) -> str: """Get a missing output string example from the missing sections in an INI file.""" missing = self.missing_sections if not missing: return "" parser = ConfigParser() for section in sorted(missing, key=lambda s: "0" if s == TOP_SECTION else f"1{s}"): expected_config: dict = self.expected_config[section] if self.autofix: if self.updater.last_block: self.updater.add_section(section) self.updater[section].update(expected_config) self.dirty = True parser[section] = expected_config return self.contents_without_top_section(self.get_example_cfg(parser))
# TODO: refactor: convert the contents to dict (with IniConfig().sections?) and mimic other plugins doing dict diffs
[docs] def enforce_rules(self) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Enforce rules on missing sections and missing key/value pairs in an INI file.""" try: yield from self._read_file() except Error: return yield from self.enforce_missing_sections() csv_sections = {v.split(SECTION_SEPARATOR)[0] for v in self.comma_separated_values} missing_csv = csv_sections.difference(self.current_sections) if missing_csv: yield self.reporter.make_fuss( Violations.INVALID_COMMA_SEPARATED_VALUES_SECTION, ", ".join(sorted(missing_csv)) ) # Don't continue if the comma-separated values are invalid return for section in self.expected_sections.intersection(self.current_sections) - self.missing_sections: yield from self.enforce_section(section)
def _read_file(self) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Read the .ini file or special files like .editorconfig.""" parsing_err: Error | None = None try: except MissingSectionHeaderError as err: if self.needs_top_section: original_contents = self.file_path.read_text() self.updater.read_string(f"[{TOP_SECTION}]\n{original_contents}") return # If this is not an .editorconfig file, report this as a regular parsing error parsing_err = err except DuplicateOptionError as err: parsing_err = err if not parsing_err: return # Don't change the file if there was a parsing error self.autofix = False yield self.reporter.make_fuss(Violations.PARSING_ERROR, cls=parsing_err.__class__.__name__, msg=parsing_err) raise Error
[docs] def enforce_missing_sections(self) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Enforce missing sections.""" missing = self.get_missing_output() if missing: yield self.reporter.make_fuss(Violations.MISSING_SECTIONS, missing, self.autofix)
[docs] def enforce_section(self, section: str) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Enforce rules for a section.""" expected_dict = self.expected_config[section] actual_dict = {k: v.value for k, v in self.updater[section].items()} # TODO: refactor: add a class Ini(BaseDoc) and move this dictdiffer code there for diff_type, key, values in dictdiffer.diff(actual_dict, expected_dict): if diff_type == dictdiffer.CHANGE: if f"{section}.{key}" in self.comma_separated_values: yield from self.enforce_comma_separated_values(section, key, values[0], values[1]) else: yield from self.compare_different_keys(section, key, values[0], values[1]) elif diff_type == dictdiffer.ADD: yield from self.show_missing_keys(section, values)
[docs] def enforce_comma_separated_values(self, section, key, raw_actual: Any, raw_expected: Any) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Enforce sections and keys with comma-separated values. The values might contain spaces. """ actual_set = {s.strip() for s in raw_actual.split(",")} expected_set = {s.strip() for s in raw_expected.split(",")} missing = expected_set - actual_set if not missing: return joined_values = ",".join(sorted(missing)) value_to_append = f",{joined_values}" if self.autofix: self.updater[section][key].value += value_to_append self.dirty = True section_header = "" if section == TOP_SECTION else f"[{section}]\n" # TODO: test: top section with separated values in yield self.reporter.make_fuss( Violations.MISSING_VALUES_IN_LIST, f"{section_header}{key} = (...){value_to_append}", key=key, fixed=self.autofix, )
[docs] def compare_different_keys(self, section, key, raw_actual: Any, raw_expected: Any) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Compare different keys, with special treatment when they are lists or numeric.""" if isinstance(raw_actual, (int, float, bool)) or isinstance(raw_expected, (int, float, bool)): # A boolean "True" or "true" has the same effect on ConfigParser files. actual = str(raw_actual).lower() expected = str(raw_expected).lower() else: actual = raw_actual expected = raw_expected if actual == expected: return if self.autofix: self.updater[section][key].value = expected self.dirty = True if section == TOP_SECTION: yield self.reporter.make_fuss( Violations.TOP_SECTION_HAS_DIFFERENT_VALUE, f"{key} = {raw_expected}", key=key, actual=raw_actual, fixed=self.autofix, ) else: yield self.reporter.make_fuss( Violations.OPTION_HAS_DIFFERENT_VALUE, f"[{section}]\n{key} = {raw_expected}", section=section, key=key, actual=raw_actual, fixed=self.autofix, )
[docs] def show_missing_keys(self, section: str, values: list[tuple[str, Any]]) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Show the keys that are not present in a section.""" parser = ConfigParser() missing_dict = dict(values) parser[section] = missing_dict output = self.get_example_cfg(parser) self.add_options_before_space(section, missing_dict) if section == TOP_SECTION: yield self.reporter.make_fuss( Violations.TOP_SECTION_MISSING_OPTION, self.contents_without_top_section(output), self.autofix ) else: yield self.reporter.make_fuss(Violations.MISSING_OPTION, output, self.autofix, section=section)
[docs] def add_options_before_space(self, section: str, options: dict) -> None: """Add new options before a blank line in the end of the section.""" if not self.autofix: return space_removed = False while isinstance(self.updater[section].last_block, Space): space_removed = True self.updater[section].last_block.detach() self.updater[section].update(options) self.dirty = True if space_removed: self.updater[section]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_example_cfg(parser: ConfigParser) -> str: """Print an example of a config parser in a string instead of a file.""" string_stream = StringIO() parser.write(string_stream) return string_stream.getvalue().strip()
[docs]@hookimpl def plugin_class() -> type[NitpickPlugin]: """Handle INI files.""" return IniPlugin
[docs]@hookimpl def can_handle(info: FileInfo) -> type[NitpickPlugin] | None: """Handle INI files.""" if IniPlugin.identify_tags & info.tags: return IniPlugin return None