Source code for nitpick.flake8

"""Flake8 plugin to check files."""

import logging
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterator

import attr
from flake8.options.manager import OptionManager
from loguru import logger

from nitpick import __version__
from nitpick.constants import FLAKE8_PREFIX, PROJECT_NAME, Flake8OptionEnum
from nitpick.core import Nitpick, find_main_python_file
from nitpick.exceptions import QuitComplainingError
from nitpick.typedefs import Flake8Error
from nitpick.violations import Fuss

[docs]@attr.s(hash=False) class NitpickFlake8Extension: """Main class for the flake8 extension.""" # Plugin config name = PROJECT_NAME version = __version__ # Plugin arguments passed by Flake8 tree = attr.ib(default=None) filename = attr.ib(default="(none)")
[docs] def run(self) -> Iterator[Flake8Error]: """Run the check plugin.""" try: for collected_fuss in self.collect_errors(): yield self.build_flake8_error(collected_fuss) except QuitComplainingError as err: for error_fuss in err.violations: yield self.build_flake8_error(error_fuss)
[docs] def build_flake8_error(self, obj: Fuss) -> Flake8Error: """Return a flake8 error from a fuss.""" prefix = f"File {obj.filename}" if obj.filename else "" line = f"{FLAKE8_PREFIX}{obj.code:03} {prefix}{obj.message}{obj.colored_suggestion}" return 0, 0, line, self.__class__
[docs] def collect_errors(self) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Collect all possible Nitpick errors.""" nit = Nitpick.singleton() current_python_file = Path(self.filename) main_python_file: Path = find_main_python_file(nit.project.root) if current_python_file.absolute() != main_python_file.absolute(): # Only report warnings once, for the main Python file of this project. logger.debug("Ignoring other Python file: {}", self.filename) return [] logger.debug("Nitpicking file through flake8: {}", self.filename) yield from return []
[docs] @staticmethod @lru_cache # To avoid calling this function twice in the same process def add_options(option_manager: OptionManager): """Add the offline option.""" option_manager.add_option( Flake8OptionEnum.OFFLINE.as_flake8_flag(), action="store_true", help=Flake8OptionEnum.OFFLINE.value )
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_options(option_manager: OptionManager, options, args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # noqa: ARG004 """Create the Nitpick app, set logging from the verbose flags, set offline mode. This function is called only once by flake8, so it's a good place to create the app. """ log_mapping = {1: logging.INFO, 2: logging.DEBUG} logging.basicConfig(level=log_mapping.get(options.verbose, logging.WARNING)) nit = Nitpick.singleton().init(offline=bool(options.nitpick_offline or Flake8OptionEnum.OFFLINE.get_environ()))"Offline mode: {}", nit.offline)